
The Natural Money Formula

It’s amazing how there are so many people who are constantly striving for more money in their lives and never bother to meet it. He never spends a minute of his life investigating, knowing, and analyzing how money works. Why does it have value? How is it that those who have it generate it and how do they preserve it? This information is fundamental and super important if you want to get and keep more money in your life. If you want to be in good physical shape and lose weight, it is essential that you know how your body works in relation to your diet. In addition, you surely need to know how exercise impacts your physique and what eating and exercise routines you need to achieve your goals. Do you want more money in your life? Well, at a minimum you have to know the Formula of the Natural Flow of Money and start applying it to your life and to the money that passes through your hands. The natural flow of money to make you perform is as follows: (Most people who have a lot of money follow this formula). The money has to circulate in this way and in this order:

Generate, Save, Invest, Enjoy, and Give.

  1. It Generate It: This stage is basically how money comes into your hands, it can be through your job, a business, (and even in certain cases a gift or inheritance).
  2. You Save It: In this step, you have to save a percentage of all the money you earn. At least 10% of what you generate will have to go through this stage. (Note: a savings is a savings only if it is used for this: emergencies, training, investment. Any other use is a simmering expense!)
  3. He Invests It: After he manages to save money, then he spends it on investment. Here the only rule is that it be used with the intention of generating more money: business, purchase-sale that leaves a profit, corporate actions, etc.
  4. Enjoy it: This stage gives us the freedom to spend or enjoy all the money generated from the investment stage. It is not an obligation to spend everything, but it is an obligation to enjoy it. After all, what isn’t this why we want more money?
  5. Give it away: the last stage suggests that you give money away because you want to or not, you will have to give it away at the time. This is the last stage. The last step of the cash flow formula.

Although these steps sound very simple, most people do not follow them. He makes attempts and approximations, but usually makes many mistakes. For example, there are people who “Generate” money (step 1) and Enjoy it immediately (step 4), that is, they skip a couple of steps. Many other people Generate (step 1) and then Give it away (step 5) through donations, cooperation, charity, alms, or other help). The few who save, then spend it and do not invest. In short, analyze your case and it is most likely that if you have not been able to attract the money you want into your life, it is because you do not apply or are unaware of the natural flow of money and its power.

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